A few 80,000 points/miles offers & Top 10 list updated

  • A few more recent good signup offers.
  • Chase Sapphire Reserve now offers 80,000 points at signup – the second best offer after the initial incredible 100,000 points when introduced in 2016.
  • Citi AA Executive WEMC offers 80,000 miles – the second best offer after 100,000 miles a few years ago.
  • Barclays AA Aviator Business MC offers 80,000 miles + $95 credit – the historical high.
  • Barclays Miles & More MC offers 80,000 miles – the historical high.
  • With some changes in signup bonuses (we look at the historical trend in the recent couple of years) and rewards program valuation, our Top 10 list received some slight updates. Below is the before and after comparison. As you can see, Sapphire Preferred and Aeroplan MC switch places, while Hilton Aspire Amex replaces Barclays JetBlue Plus as the No. 10 card on the list.

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