Bilt Mastercard Offering Up to 10K Points Bonus After Credit Limit Increase

Bilt Mastercard 10K Points Bonus After Credit Limit Increase

The Bilt Mastercard has an unadvertised signup bonus that gives you 5X points for 5 days. But it is also extending a similar bonus to existing cardholders who are approved for a credit limit increase.

Once your credit limit is increased you will likely receive a message informing you that you will earn 5X points on all of your eligible purchases for the next 5 days, up to a limit of 10,000 bonus points. The email usually comes the next day.

To request a credit limit increase, you will need to contact Wells Fargo directly at (833) 404-2272. Before accepting a credit limit increase, make sure that there is no hard pull.

Here’s the text of the offer:

“Congratulations on your recent credit line increase! To recognize this milestone, we’re offering you a special bonus on your upcoming purchases.

We’re excited to offer you 5X points on all of your eligible purchases (excluding rent) with your Bilt Mastercard for the next 5 days, through XX/XX/XX.

That’s 5X on restaurants, online shopping, travel, grocery stores, and your other everyday purchases.

Earn up to 10,000 bonus points, and don’t forget to make at least 5 transactions each statement period to earn these points.”

Some people also report getting a second offer after the 5 days are up. The second offer is for 5X on Groceries, Gas and Dining for 30 days, up to a maximum of to 10,000 bonus points.

HT: reddit

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