I Tried 100% Vegan, Natural, Swiss “CONFIDENCE Natural Cosmetic” and This is What Happen

Hello my little beauties! I hope you are well. Today, I am finally back with a new beauty review, which I am pretty sure you will enjoy discovering, especially if you are also into Natural Cosmetics!

Time for some new discoveries

In order to write this review, I took 3 weeks to test this new Natural Cosmetics products, taking the “testing moment” in a very serious way.

Ready for a 100% natural and vegan very honest review? Let’s go!

Today, I am super happy to present you a cruelty free Swiss skin care brand, made of 100% natural ingredients, called “CONFIDENCE Natural Cosmetic”.

Confidence Cosmetics

3 affordable skin care products, 1 vegan concept

About three months ago, I have been contacted by Laura, the Swiss owner and founder of CONFIDENCE Natural Cosmetic skin care, who proposed me to give a try to three of her brand new skin care products; “Glow Skin Face Cream”, “Regenerating Face Oil” and “Soft Cleansing Foam”.

As soon as Laura told me about her natural and cruelty free beauty concept, I knew chances were high for me to like her skin cares… and I was RIGHT.

A couple of years ago, I was not really looking at the ingredients in my skin care products but this has changed throughout the years and now it is more and more important to me, and I know it is the same for you too.

Now, before telling you more about each of the three products I got to test during the past three weeks, here are some of the reasons why I have got a serious crush on CONFIDENCE Natural Cosmetic skin care products and the reason why I accepted to try and review these natural products:

  1. 100% natural ingredients, including plant extracts and oils

  2. Vegan

  3. Not tested on animals

  4. Free of parabens, silicones, hormones, mineral oils, synthetic fragrance

  5. There are NO chemicals, synthetic or genetically modified ingredients

So far, CONFIDENCE Natural Cosmetic is already scoring really high, isn’t it? Although, I have not shared my reviews with you yet. So there you go:

Price: CHF29.20

(Discount: “CINDY-30” for 30% off)

Confidence Cosmetics

What it says it does:

  1. Delivers intense 24-hour moisture for every skin type

  2. The extract of carrots gives the skin a sun-kissed complexion and a healthy glow

  3. Cucumber extracts soothes the skin if you have red skin areas, skin irritations or blemished skin

  4. Raspberry oil moisturizes and softens the skin

What it actually did on my skin after 2 weeks using it every morning and evening:

Literally ALL of the above. In order not to get influenced by the description of all these three products, I decided to only look at their descriptions once I would be writing this review. So, right now, I have a little satisfied smile on my face because Glow Skin Face Cream by CONFIDENCE Natural Cosmetic did exactly what it said it would do and to be honest I am surprised and impressed in a very good way.

I have eczema since I was a baby, leaving me with dry and red skin next to my chin area and sometimes forehead too. Now, when I look at it, it seems to be gone and the redness and dryness have faded away. So thank you Laura for putting cucumber extracts in this cream!

As for the carrots extracts, I love the smell of it and how it makes my skin glow, without over-shining either. The texture hydrates well, yet it is mat, meaning my skin does not shine like it would with other brands’ creams containing more oils or some undefined ingredients.

Now, I cannot say that the results came all after just one application. Glow Skin Face Cream is made of 100% natural ingredients, so like every beautiful things in our nature, it takes a few days to start seeing how great Glow Skin Face Cream is doing on our skin. After all, all good things are worth waiting for and in this case, the wait only lasts 2-3 days.

Will I continue using it?

Price: CHF32.50

(Discount: “CINDY-30” for 30% off)

Confidence Cosmetics

What it says it does:

  1. The ultralight face oil with high-quality oils (Rice bran oil, Pomegranate seed oil, Moringa oil, Wild rose oils, Carrot oil and 0% Water) nourishes dry and irritated skin

  2. The oil has a regenerating and calming effect and gives the skin a fresh, youthful shine

What it actually did on my skin after 2 weeks using it every evening before bed:

As a person with dry skin due to my eczema history, natural oils have always been part of my weekly skin routine. I have been using one for many years from another natural brand, which really does me well, yet I was curious to try CONFIDENCE Natural Cosmetic’s Regenerating Face Oil. The thing I like about this latter is that although it is an oil, it is a very light one, meaning I did not felt like I had oil all over my face and hands if you know what I mean. This is definitely well thought and done by CONFIDENCE Natural Cosmetic and I might use it till it is finished, before using my other oil again, which now clearly feels way too oily compared to the Regenerating Face Oil.

As for the smell, it smells wonderfully well and I think that is where the “calming effect” comes from. Once again, the Regenerating Face Oil by CONFIDENCE Natural Cosmetic did what it promised it would.

Will I continue using it?

Absolutely YES, at least till it will be over and I will then miss it and I can already bet I will buy it again.

Price: CHF24.50

(Discount: “CINDY-30” for 30% off)

Confidence Cosmetics

What it says it does:

  1. Cleanses deep into the pores and removes blemishes, irritations and redness

  2. The skin looks clear, matted and fresh

  3. Makeup can be removed very gently

  4. The eye area can also be cleaned with the cleansing foam

  5. The foam does not burn in the eyes

What it actually did on my skin after 2 weeks using it every morning and evening:

Here again, I cannot stress how much the description above is relevant. I am really impressed to be honest because each single detail Soft Cleansing Foam said it does, it actually does. That is a very rare thing nowadays. Usually, products descriptions are beautified and exaggerated, but in this case it absolutely is not. What CONFIDENCE Natural Cosmetic says you will get, really is what YOU get. And this, for me, as a blogger reviewing products, is the most wonderful and satisfying part of my job.

I absolutely LOVE using the Soft Cleansing Foam by CONFIDENCE Natural Cosmetic. It is crazy how clean my face is, right after I rinse off the foam. The matted finish is real and actually so real, that my skin felt tighten up, so I was always applying the Glow Skin Face Cream right after, in order to keep my skin well hydrated.

The only thing I unfortunately cannot confirm to you is whether this foam works great around the eyes, since I have lashes extensions and I avoid putting products around my eyes.

Will I continue using it?

Absolutely yes, yes and yesss. Big crush on this cleanses foam!

Other than that, I simply cannot recommend you more these products. I am 200% convinced that CONFIDENCE Natural Cosmetic is a wonderful concept and brand, and that if you give it a try, you will fall in love as I did and still do.

(I will not earn any commission by you using this code, it is simply a gift Laura and I wanted to offer you)


Thank you for reading my little beauties! I really hope you enjoyed discovering this new brand, worth knowing and talking about from now on.

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