Why using Webex Meetings or the value the Active User Meeting license can provide

1 min read

Roland Bellwald

Even though, Webex is not the most used meeting platform, I strongly believe it’s the best. Our Webex Meetings Active User licensing, we promote heavily to get best-in-class device management and analytics #no-brainer offers more, much more. Actually, so much more, that I had to stop myself from continuing the list below at some point, as it would have gotten too long 😉  – The below is all included:

  1. 4k Content Sharing
  2. FullHD 1080p Video
  3. Sign Language Interpretation
  4. Simultaneous interpretation
  5. Share a selected part of your screen only
  6. Multistream (Streaming Speaker and Group view at the same time)
  7. Directional Audio, know where the active speaker is displayed
  8. Persistant Chat before, during and after the Meeting
  9. Best in class combination of Application and Devices with e.g. pair, share, control a device via proximity, Companion Mode, Visual Watermarking
  10. Customised Lobby
  11. Client-less Meetings (Video)
  12. PSTN Dial-in is included e.g. Start a Scheduled Webex Meeting by Phone
  13. Hybrid Deployment options with e.g. Video Mesh Node
  14. Hands on Labs, a feature of Training Center (yes, it’s still out there and rocking!!!) I discovered by a partner.
  15. Slido, included in the meeting license
  16. Cloud registration for our devices and all the amazing features coming with Control Hub (this would fill more than a chapter)
  17. Device Cloud Promotion (this link is available to partners only) helps you getting great conditions for Cisco Video devices.

Let us know if you are interested in any additional detail, I’m sure you, your users / customers would benefit from one or multiple points from above…



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