How We Made .3 MILLION In New Recurring Monthly Revenue And How You Can Benefit From Our Success, Too

How We Made $2.3 MILLION In New Recurring Monthly Revenue And How You Can Benefit From Our Success, Too

We launched a brand new product in September, which is by far the biggest thing we’ve done since we started UniBul.

It is one of those things that completely transform a business and its relationship with its customers.

It may also transform your own business, even as it opens up a potentially huge new revenue stream for you.

What I’m about to share with you in this post is one of the most powerful tools I know of for turning an average online business into a well-trusted brand, with a much higher conversion rate, much fewer customer complaints and returns and, crucially, a much lower chargeback rate.

In fact, your chargebacks will be cut in half, at least. Of course, all this translates into significantly higher revenues and profits for your business.

Furthermore, we are giving you the opportunity to profit from our new product, not simply by using it for your own business, but also when you help others benefit from it.

To make it all better organized, I have divided this guide into seven parts, as follows:

  1. Introduction (you are reading it).
  2. The Rules Of The Game In High-Risk Credit Card Processing Are Different.
  3. The Power Of A Solution To An Unsatisfied Need.
  4. Cutting Chargebacks IN HALF.
  5. How We Get A 100-Percent Opt-In Rate.
  6. How We Made $2.3 MILLION In New Recurring Monthly Revenue.
  7. How You Can Benefit From Our Success.

So, let’s move to Part 2 and get started.

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